somatic and writing


i remember

a writing workshop geared toward attunement: may we slow down, and connect in by way of clearing out and pulling on essential threads of the past as teachers. “i remember” allows us to write, reflect and share held by an organized series of prompts. beginning with pouring out of a recent event, then clearing out the cobwebs of further back, tracing us back to the remembered, the unremembered, the literal, the abstract, and absurd. open for anyone with an interest in connecting the brains with the body to move it through. all outcomes welcome, curiosity, joy and sharing encouraged.

witness exchange

this cross-cultural exchange offers a somatic and vocal practice in a form that is uniquely what we make of it together. we will call in the body as an ancestral vessel, one of witnessing first the self, then the other; one of understanding the difference between hearing…and listening. we will tune to our own bodies before connecting and responding to the elements near and far in a call and response effort to build reciprocity with the environment and land that holds us.

*both available online

land somatics (tm)

building awareness with our bodies in connection to the land we are living on. listening, attuning, calling forward and tuning. this is a guided practice to practice intimate reciprocity with your vessel and the natural world that holds you. open to solo or group practice.